Footprint Minimization
Another benefit of bio-remediation practices is that it typically can be accomplished in a much smaller physical area than other methods of oil & gas activity. Boldwater is permitted to perform onsite bio-treatment and recycling and, as such, the use of our bio-remediation solution for drilling waste eliminates the need for a drilling reserve pit or the necessity of dumping the waste at an expensive land-based facility. In a spill situation, instead of hauling and dumping large quantities of affected soil elsewhere, Boldwater can perform treatment in place. This capability, in addition to being eco-friendly, also saves significant expenses for our clients.
Less Traffic
Oil & Gas drilling operations are usually accompanied by a significant number of large and small vehicles on local roads and highways. Because Boldwater performs all services onsite, and the drilling waste never leaves the drilling lease, large vehicle traffic, and the risks associated, are significantly reduced