Environmental Remediation Benefits
Rapid, All-Natural Treatment Solutions
Bio-Remediation, itself, has experienced significant technological advances over the past few decades. What used to be a “one-size-fits-all” remedy, that not only took a long time to work, but also didn’t work across the entire chain of hydrocarbons, has been drastically improved through science. Bio-remedies can now target every level of hydrocarbon and eliminate them in a very rapid timeframe, and we at Boldwater employ a state-of-the-art bio-solution in our Bio-Remediation services. Using our all-natural enzyme solution, light hydrocarbons are eliminated within seconds and heavier hydrocarbons are eliminated within hours. In a nutshell, we can virtually erase any hydrocarbon-related activity and return the local area to its native condition.
Improved Air Quality
Because Boldwater’s process eliminates the need for transporting hazardous drilling waste to a dumping facility, dozens of heavy-haul trucks are eliminated for every drilling project. This improves local air quality by avoiding both combustion GHG emissions as well as airborne dust from dirt roads.